Monday, September 29, 2008


Walking near the castle is always enjoyable, but when you catch a glimpse of our neighborhood pod of dolphins, it goes to a whole new level (of bliss). There are about 30-40 of them but who’s counting? Who CAN count the number of dolphins when you see them in the wild? One of our neighbors used to “dance” with them all the time. She took these pictures with a disposable camera. Quite amazing. If you’d like one of her dolphin pictures, please call her: Naia Rae Fox (808) 938-2463.

You've heard this question: If a pin drops in the forest and there’s no one around to hear it, did it make a sound?
My question is: If you see the dolphins frolicking and you’re all alone, were they really there or did you dream it? Living here is like living a dream.

We're also building the castleinhawaii website as we build the bed and breakfast.

Please take a moment to check it out:

Love to hear from you what you think about the website.. Love it? Hate it? Why??

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