Friday, March 27, 2009


Aloha and Mahalo. In a climate of bad news, foreclosure, economic downturn, recession and other ugly and depressing words that bombard us daily, an inspirational story based on either of these words will win this custom-built, never-lived-in Hawaii dream home. This concept deserves a look to inspire Americans. And for those in climates of FREEZING weather… well, the chance to live in paradise…?
AmeriCANS are coming up with creative ways to help ourselves (no bailout here), others (winner of the home) and our local schools (the beneficiaries of a substantial donation who are depending on our success.) There is a 1 in 6000 chance of winning the home – better than ANY state lottery.

We’ve offered Oprah an exclusive to award the home and the donation to the schools on her show. We can only hope she accepts. Help us make history and not be a victim of the economy! Check out the contest (please?):

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