Tuesday, January 6, 2009

BOUNTY IF YOU POST www.WinHawaiianHome.com on your MYSPACE OR FACEBOOK

Would you PLEASE pass this link to the contest? You never know if you will know the talented writer who will win this home!
There is a bounty for those who put the contest link (www.WinHawaiianHome.com) on their MySpace or facebook page –
you will be entered into a drawing for a FREE weekend at the castle! (just post a comment with the link!)

ALSO, if/when you hear anything on the news or a television program or read anything in print media about the contest,
PLEASE try to remember to post a comment and let us know what you heard!

For every person who enters the contest because YOU told them, YOU will be entered into a drawing for a free weekend at www.castleinhawaii.com.
So if ten of YOUR people enter, you are entered into the drawing TEN times! Plus this weekend IS transferrable so you can give it to someone if you wish.
(The site is being built and finished as the castle is being finished, so all the links don’t work yet.) Work is being done on both the castle and the site feverishly, so stay tuned.)

We truly believe that the key to a speedy and successful conclusion of this contest will be YOUR heartfelt referral, to “spread the word”… that because you are acquainted with the sponsor… you know the contest will be run with integrity. Because we give you our word - it will be.

Aloha and A hui ho!
Sheri & John

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